32. : Stop je hoofd nooit in een spinnenweb –

A theatre play from the children's theatre book of Thea Doelwijt.

Since the beginning of , when Doelwijt her latest children's book, Never put your head in a spider's web was published, there were plans to stage it. In the book, three children experience an adventure in the interior of Suriname. Elements of the story can also be found in the Children's Book Festival.
The Children's Book Festival will close its theme series in 2007: Environmental issues. This time the slogan is: Clear water, clean and pure, good for us and nature. The basis for the cabaret musical has already been written but has changed and adapted since the flooding in the interior of Suriname. Heavy rains caused major flooding in many villages, people lost all their belongings and were cut off from the outside world.
Weeks later, the show was also performed inland, in Brokopondo. Children and young people look at it breathlessly… something like this, such a real performance, in Dutch, Surinamese and Saramaka, they've never seen anything like it! Teachers and the elderly praised the initiative as usually, folkloric shows come from the city of Paramaribo, and were never a musical on a high level, with children and young people.

Partner organisation: Préprétheater/ Thea Doelwijt
Place: Suriname, Paramaribo
Executors TE: 4
Local artists: 7
Production team: 13
Target group: Children
Audience: 3000
Performances: 13
Volunteers: 1
Participating Organizations: Kinderboekenfestival, Parbode,Naks Volkshogeschool,Directoraat cultuur Fawaka creations, Cultureel centrum Suriname, Sun Ice Suriname
Finances: Dutch Embassy in Surinam, FAPK, Lira fund, Zeisterzendingsgemeenschap, Theatre Embassy.
Theme: Environment

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