36. indonesia: Camar/ Seagull – 2008

At TheaterLab Garasi, Theatre Ambassador Corinne Manara gave workshops and worked towards a performance. At the end of April and the beginning of May the time had come; an adaptation of Seagull by Anton Chekhov was played in Yogyakarta and Jakarta. She tells about the performance:
“The performance was a nice mix of traditional and modern theatre, both in the spirit of Indonesia and that of Europe. Corrina had made the performance in Bahasa (the common language of the archipelago) and had fused dialogues with movement and visual theatre. This made the performance a dynamic whole and innovative for Indonesia. The players, students from Yogyakarta University, had a fresh and vibrant playing style, they enthusiastically dragged the audience into the performance.“
Partner organisation: Teater Garasi
Director: Corrina Manara
Local artists: 13
Target group: general audience
Audience: 1000
Performances: 4
Volunteers: –
Participating Organizations: Erasmushuis Jakarta
Finances: ICCO, PSO, Theatre Embassy.
Theme: Seagull by A Chekov