21. : Hay alguien ahi? –

The project involved the development of a piece and the direction of the actors of Deçiertopicante. This involved the joint development of a piece with the theme ghosts and spirits, processing intercultural influences within the Deçiertopicante group, and the expansion of the artistic activities of Deçiertopicante in “Gregorio Albarracín” district, a migration district of Tacna.
¿Hay alguién ahí ? was a montage of 13 solo performances, which the actors created on the theme of ghosts and spirits. They worked with three different legends. It was a new experience for the actors to make a play, in which the story had no beginning, middle and end, but took place through the characters and through the images. The performance took place in , in the “Teatro Orfeón” and Tacna and in other locations (in the town hall of “Boca del Rio” and in Arica / Chile).

Partner organisation: Grupo de Teatro Deçierto Picante
Executors TE: Helene Lauchart
Local artists: 13
Target group: Youngsters
Audience: 1250
Presentations: 25
Volunteers: 2
Participating Organizations: Academia del arte
Finances: ICCO, Theatre Embassy.
Theme: Leyendas de Tacna

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