16. guatemala: Caracol de Colores – 2005

There are interesting developments in the field of theatre and education in Guatemala, but they are mainly focused on the capital city. In the area of the city of Quetzaltenango, amateur groups are active and are eager to receive training and education. However, because the capital is too far away, there are hardly any options for this. It has not been easy for partner organization Timach to find experienced directors with sufficient artistic quality who want to educate and guide amateurs in Quetzaltenango in creating a performance around Mayan poetry. Ultimately, a start was made under the leadership of Gigi Suarez. Gigi's activities included preparing and organizing 20 theatre performances in Guatemala based on the poems of Mayan writer Humberto Ak'abal. 50 schools were also involved in the courses. The project took place over four months, with three months devoted to technical and substantive preparation and one month to 20 official presentations of the theatre production.
Partner organisation: TIMACH
Place: Guatemala, Quetzaltenango
Director: Gigi Suarez
Local artists: 9
Target group: Kiché Mayas
Audience: 20.000
Performances: 35
Volunteers: 3
Participating Organizations: 50 schools.
Finances: Solidaridad, Timach, Theatre Embassy
Theme: strengthening Mayan culture
DVD: Caracol de Colores, 20 minutes
Film director: Joris in ‘t Veld