21. peru: Hay alguien ahi? – 2006
The project involved the development of a piece and the direction of the actors of Deçiertopicante. This involved the joint development of a piece with the theme ghosts and spirits, processing intercultural influences within the Deçiertopicante group, and the expansion of the artistic activities of Deçiertopicante in “Gregorio Albarracín” district, a migration district of Tacna.
¿Hay alguién ahí ? was a montage of 13 solo performances, which the actors created on the theme of ghosts and spirits. They worked with three different legends. It was a new experience for the actors to make a play, in which the story had no beginning, middle and end, but took place through the characters and through the images. The performance took place in 2007, in the “Teatro Orfeón” and Tacna and in other locations (in the town hall of “Boca del Rio” and in Arica / Chile).
Partner organisation: Grupo de Teatro Deçierto Picante
Executors TE: Helene Lauchart
Local artists: 13
Target group: Youngsters
Audience: 1250
Presentations: 25
Volunteers: 2
Participating Organizations: Academia del arte
Finances: ICCO, Theatre Embassy.
Theme: Leyendas de Tacna