65. gaza-palestine – The Birds – 2014

Theatre Day Productions wants drama, theatre, and creative activities to be a regular part of the lives of young people in Palestine so that kids can find their individual voices, their sense of self, and discover their creative life. After reading a poem called “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” by Wallace Stevens, Jackie Lubeck came up with the idea of “Ten Ways to Know Us” which is a research on how Palestinian kids, drama teachers, and directors would like to talk about Palestine from ten different points of view. Ten themes were chosen and were worked into scenes for a project of the same name. For the summer games of 2015, we turned six of the scenes into plays that were shown to 150,000 school children throughout the summer. The plays are (1) “Three Birds” (2) “Snow Trip” (3) “One Thousand Questions (4) “The Boys Who Can't Sit Still” (5) “Between the Sea and the Desert” and (6) “The Boys in the Mirror“. Berith Danse was invited to direct Birds.