14. namibia: The Waterhole – 2005

The Waterhole is a theatre play that takes us on a journey back in time; and all the way through evolution to the world of nowadays. It starts in the harmonic world of animals, which live according to the laws of nature and are fixed in place, hierarchy and position.
This changes when the first signs of humanisation become apparent, and the natural world is starting to become subject to the ideas and influence of man. Natural hierarchies are being challenged, land is being divided and hippos go on diet; all for the sake of civilization..?
Partner organisation: Freedom Extravaganza (Fex) and National theatre Namibia
Place: Namibia
Directors: Fre Hooft van Huysduynen, The netherlands, Keamogetsi Molapong, Namibia
Artists: 11
South-South: 2
Internship: 1
Target group: Visitors of Natural Parks
Audience: 4000
Presentations: 9
Volunteers: none
Participating Organizations: 2e Kamer, Wilde Ganzendag
Finances: HIVOS, Finnish Embassy, Royal Dutch Embassy in Namibia, T-zone, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Township productions, Theatre Embassy.
Theme: Natural versus industrial
Costume and set design: Marielle Verdijk
Costume and set design assistant: Marli Tolken
Actors/Dancers from the Netherlands:
Suzana Gomes
Maarten Hutten
Natalie Heevel
Rikke Mechlenborg Rasmussen
Actors from Namibia / NTN and Township Productions:
Steven Afrikaner
Anna Louw
Beverley Mogotsi
Lucky Pieters
Fenny Samuel
Actors from south africa / Freedom Extravaganza:
Thami Khuzwayo
Thokozani Khuzwayo