Proyecto Desierto
42. Peru: Proyecto Desierto – 2008

The city of Tacna is located in the large, dry and desolate Atacama Desert in southern Peru. Like many other empty, deserted places in the world, people live as best they can. This deserted …
42. Peru: Proyecto Desierto – 2008
The city of Tacna is located in the large, dry and desolate Atacama Desert in southern Peru. Like many other empty, deserted places in the world, people live as best they can. This deserted …
41. Peru: Takora/ E.scena 310 – 2008
In Peru, art is seen as a hobby and not a profession. Malgorzata Haduch was sent abroad as Theatre Ambassador to Tacna, in the south of Peru. She collaborated with Deçiertopicante, a …
21. Peru: Hay alguien ahi? – 2006
The project involved the development of a piece and the direction of the actors of Deçiertopicante. This involved the joint development of a piece with the theme ghosts and spirits, processing intercultural influences …