Welcome to our webshop. We have some interesting publications for you.
The book Desierto/ Woestenij and Behind the Scenes. Both available in English and Dutch.
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“Berith Danse”
How can a development organisation operate in the field of artistic development?
The answer to this question is derived from the many projects Theatre Embassy has carried out with Dutch theatre makers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. During the years in which we have been active in virgin areas for Dutch theatre makers we have experimented with the best cooperation structure for the organisation of major international theatre projects.
Entering the field of development cooperation as artists was a sensitive issue and, at the same time, extremely gratifying: a sensitive issue, because of the painful history of dominance of European culture over other cultures, and gratifying because large NGOs had overlooked the opportunity of deploying culture to satisfy one of the conditions for successful development – an opportunity we seized.
In principle, this booklet can be of interest to all readers who enjoy cultural travel and are fascinated by the diversity of the methods people nowadays use to express themselves.
8,50 € BTW included

This book contributes to a better understanding of cultural entrepreneurship in Africa, Latin America and Asia and the context that cultural organizations are working in. The Dutch cultural development organization Theatre Embassy initiated the underlying research after more than 10 years of experience in this field.
The subjects of the research were three of its partner organizations in developing countries: K-Mu Théâtre (DR congo), Arte Accion (honduras) and Kelola (indonesia). Based on field research, interviews and available literature, the three case studies are intertwined through an approach of cultural dimensions–each dimension as a separate chapter. These are: Cultural Context, Internal Organization, Cultural Credit, Sources of Income, Networks, Cultural Innovations, Art Policy and Common Interest.
The research provides new information and insights to others working in the field of culture and development. This makes the book interesting for other cultural organizations in developing countries, cultural policymakers, international donor agencies and NGOs, as well as for artists, cultural managers, tutors, students and researchers in the field of art management and cultural entrepreneurship.
8,50 € BTW included